Stopped by a Train?

Follow these directions to make it around in time for your session.

From the York St. Side

  • If a train is stopped on the tracks crossing York St., try to avoid turning on York St. and instead turn back on McKinney St. and head towards Downtown

  • Turn right on Emancipation Ave.

  • Turn right on Harrisburg Blvd.

  • Turn right on Sampson St.

  • Turn left on Rusk St. and you have arrived!

From the Sampson St. Side

  • If a train is stopped on the tracks crossing Sampson St., turn around and head back towards Harrisburg Blvd.

  • Turn left on Harrisburg Blvd.

  • Turn left on Emancipation Ave.

  • Turn left on McKinney St.

  • Turn left on York St.

  • Turn left on Rusk St. and you have arrived!